Thursday, September 5, 2013

What I'm Craving

OK Kids, I am seriously dead BROKE. B-R-O-K-E. No money, no job. No form of income.~ But guess what, that's not going to stop me from wanting endless things. That is pure human nature, there's no helping it. So with that said, here's what I've been really itching to get these days.

1.Stella McCartney's Grey Oversized Coat
A girl can dream can't she? This is wayyyy out of my budget but this coat is perfect for the winter. Honestly, I'm okay with not getting this exact one, but definitely something light grey, oversized and definitely a cashmere blend. Yum.
2. Y's Pullover Knit Turtleneck
My momma predicted it ya'll. Turtlenecks are back!! And they're back bigger than ever, obviously. I thought I was going to throw the two tone turtleneck my momma brought for me at the depth of my closet where the light don't shines, but I suppose this is not going to be the case. My only issue with that sweater is that it is too thin and not big enough. So this is the alternative. I actually spotted a decent oversized turtleneck from H&M. MmMmMm, better watch out.
3. Stuart Weitzman 5050 Boot 
Guys.... it's time to get serious. This is going to be some serious shit.... I have really large calves. GASP. Cry me a river, but seriously, it is hard for me to find the right boot because most of these bitches don't fit. But Hallelujah, praise the lord the 5050 boot will save the day. Which is why I need to get my hands on these magic boots. If I am getting anything this winter, it will be this. No doubt about it.
4. Comme Des Garcons Drop Crotch Pants
Something spoke to me last night on the train. Something or someone whispered in my ear, saying that I should get these drop crotch pants. Maybe it was residual regret from not getting it from the CDG sample sale, but I seriously want these now. UGHHH WHYYYYY

So this is all the shit I've been craving for. What are something things guys are wanting these days?


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