Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oxidized Silver

Oxidized silver is when silver has been exposed to oxygen for a long period of time, creating a darkened look, but this look can also be expedited by exposing it to sulfur.

Okay.. enough of all this chemical talk.. The look is very rustic, but can also be very minimal because it is black. There really is no other way to get black metal jewelry. It just looks so different and modernized compared to your usual gold or silver.

I picked out some beautiful geometric, minimal, oxidized silver earrings from some of my fave Etsy shops.

Left to right: Raindrop studs from Kusu, Earring with Herkimer diamond from BEPART studio, Arrow stud from SDmarie Jewelry
Circle moon earring from AgJc, Circles earring from Mirta, Branch earring from Joannarutter

Happy shopping, 


Sunday, June 8, 2014

New babies & New Beginnings

I'm back~~~

It's been way too long and there has been so much going on with my life. From interning and going to school it was impossible for me to find anytime to blog. It was literally 9AM to 10PM everyday of the week. Yes, weekends too!

But I've finally graduated.. Again! And this time I'm ready to get down to serious business. ;)

Right now I am becoming accustomed to my new 9-6 schedule. With the weekends all mine, I feel like I can finally have some important ME time (I just took an afternoon nap *gasp*) and of course some time to dedicate myself to this wonderful space. 

And without further ado, let me introduce you to my new babies.

I've been dreaming of purchasing these babies for years, and now it is finally mine. Muhahahaha. 
I literally spazzed at Barneys while making this purchase. This is the perfect graduation present to myself and a great gateway for new beginnings at this blog. 

