Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Crystal Renn for Numéro Tokyo

images from here

Going Down South

Let's go to the south, they said, it will be fun, they said. I can't say that my trip to Tennessee isn't "fun", but it would have been much more enjoyable if I wasn't suffering from a cold the whole time...

How do you catch a cold in the summer... I think just the change of environment can make one's immune system go weak. but I digress. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Kitty Shoes

I know this particular post have been rather "popular" on my tumblr.. and I've been asked several times where one would purchase said shoe. so out of the blue today, I decided to check Ambidex again and found it back in stock. 

You can purchase them here. It is about 91 US Dollars. Unfortunately I don't think they ship internationally. But check the site out anyways, it's filled with cute Japanese clothing and accessories. and will definitely inspire.

Rick Owen Fall/Winter 2013