As all of you may know, Marc Jacobs' show was last night, and I had the privilege of attending. His shows are always one of the most extravagant of all NYFW, and this season it was particularly exciting.
But of course, getting there is never easy...
I had class that night, and had to leave early, but as soon as I stepped outside, the rain started pouring. There was no easy way to get from school to the Armory on Lexington, I decided to walk because it beats transferring a hundred times, or waiting god knows how long for a bus. So for the whole 5 long blocks God decided that it was right time to take a massive pee. By the time I got to the show, I was completely drenched, looking like a hot mess. My boots was completely wet, my gorg dress was soaked, my hair was wet. It was just not looking good at all.
But when I stepped in to the show, the hot air and people totally made me forget everything that was going on outside. Marc was kind enough to provide everyone with fans and Fuji water, so no one would have a heat stroke in the middle of his show. I was also excited because I sat behind Drew, Winona, Nina, and Lady Mary. I was Especially excited for Lady Mary because fucking God Downton Abbey is amazing, and she was gorgeous.
Anyhow that's my adventure to the show. Everything in the end was fucking fantastic. Getting completely soaked in the rain was totally worth it. And Oh! Freebies!
So onward to the photos! *warning: some photos taken before and after the show are in pretty shitty quality, beware.*
Lady Mary before the show.
Winona greeting Nina. So adorbs.
The models came out from a cave pretty much and walked down on a ramp to meet us.

There were broken lawn chairs, broke umbrellas, empty big gulp bottles on the floor (or shiny sand). The whole set was pretty amazing.